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白頭翁餵食雛鳥/Light-vented Bulbul Feeding Babies
24.05.20-白頭翁餵食雛鳥/Light-vented Bulbul Feeding Babies-bfpmv-2997
白頭翁學名:Pycnonotus sinensis formosae,英文名:Light-vented Bulbul ,台語鄉土名:白頭殼 ,屬鵯科,台灣特有亞種鳥類,普遍的留鳥, 身長約18~19公分,通常營巢於離地不高的雜木林或樹叢裡,以芒草穗等築碗形巢。
The light-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis) is a species of bird in the bulbul family. It is found in central and southern China, northern Vietnam and Taiwan.
This video is copyrighted and welcome your sharing, but please do not use it for any reproduction.
Переглядів: 30


白頭翁孵蛋/Light-vented Bulbul Incubation
Переглядів 407 годин тому
24.05.012-白頭翁孵蛋/Light-vented Bulbul Incubation-bfpmv-2996 紀錄於自家院子 白頭翁學名:Pycnonotus sinensis formosae,英文名:Light-vented Bulbul ,台語鄉土名:白頭殼 ,屬鵯科,台灣特有亞種鳥類,普遍的留鳥, 身長約18~19公分,通常營巢於離地不高的雜木林或樹叢裡,以芒草穗等築碗形巢。 The light-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis) is a species of bird in the bulbul family. It is found in central and southern China, northern Vietnam and Taiwan. 本影片為版權所有,請勿 意下載編輯使用,歡迎連結網址分享! This vid...
白頭翁用甚麼材料築巢/Light-vented Bulbul Nesting
Переглядів 339 годин тому
24.05.04-白頭翁用甚麼材料築巢/Light-vented Bulbul Nesting-bfpmv-2995 紀錄於自家院子 白頭翁學名:Pycnonotus sinensis formosae,英文名:Light-vented Bulbul ,台語鄉土名:白頭殼 ,屬鵯科,台灣特有亞種鳥類,普遍的留鳥, 身長約18~19公分,通常營巢於離地不高的雜木林或樹叢裡,以芒草穗等築碗形巢。 The light-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis) is a species of bird in the bulbul family. It is found in central and southern China, northern Vietnam and Taiwan. 本影片為版權所有,請勿 意下載編輯使用,歡迎連結網址分享! This vi...
大冠鷲的幼鳥長大了/Crested Serpent-Eagle's Baby
Переглядів 3312 годин тому
14.07.16-大冠鷲的幼鳥長大了/Crested Serpent-Eagle's Baby-bfpmv-2994 大冠鷲學名 : Spilornis cheela hoya,英文名 : Crested Serpent-Eagle,屬鷹科,別名蛇雕,身長約65-74公分,台灣特有亞種,普遍的留鳥,生活在海拔2100公尺以下山區闊葉林間,全身以深褐色為主,頭頂至後枕具黑白相間的冠羽。以捕獵蛇類為主食,所以有「蛇鷹」之稱,此外牠也捕食小鳥、蜥蜴、鼠類及其他小型動物。在臺灣的繁殖期為3~6月,每窩產蛋1~2枚。 The crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela) is a medium-sized bird of prey that is found in forested habitats across tropical Asia. 本影片為版權所...
關子嶺路邊的大冠鷲/Crested Serpent-Eagle
Переглядів 3814 годин тому
14.05.05-關子嶺路邊的大冠鷲/Crested Serpent-Eagle-bfpmv-2993 紀錄於台南白河 大冠鷲學名 : Spilornis cheela hoya,英文名 : Crested Serpent-Eagle,屬鷹科,別名蛇雕,身長約65-74公分,台灣特有亞種,普遍的留鳥,生活在海拔2100公尺以下山區闊葉林間,全身以深褐色為主,頭頂至後枕具黑白相間的冠羽。以捕獵蛇類為主食,所以有「蛇鷹」之稱,此外牠也捕食小鳥、蜥蜴、鼠類及其他小型動物。 The crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela) is a medium-sized bird of prey that is found in forested habitats across tropical Asia. 本影片為版權所有,歡迎連結網址分享,但請勿 意下載編輯...
崁頂的燕鴴/Oriental Pratincole
Переглядів 2916 годин тому
14.05.05-崁頂的燕鴴/Oriental Pratincole -bfpmv-2992 紀錄於屏東崁頂 燕鴴學名:Glareola maldivarum,英文名:Oriental Pratincole ,屬燕鴴科,身長約24cm,台灣普遍的夏候鳥,每年四、五月間,遠從澳洲飛到台灣來繁殖。出現於旱田、草叢、草地或濱海沙地,通常成對或成小群出現。 The oriental pratincole (Glareola maldivarum), also known as the grasshopper-bird or swallow-plover, is a wader in the pratincole family, Glareolidae. 本影片為版權所有,歡迎連結網址分享,但請勿 意下載編輯使用! This video is copyrighted and welcome ...
崁頂的小杓鷸/Little Curlew
Переглядів 1419 годин тому
14.05.02-崁頂的小杓鷸/Little Curlew-bfpmv-2991 紀錄於屏東崁頂 小杓鷸學名: Numenius minutus,英文名: Little Curlew,屬鷸科鳥類,台灣不普遍的過境鳥,身長約28-32公分,為杓鷸類最小型的種類,頭頂黑褐色,具較細的中央冠紋,嘴峰略微向下彎曲,下喙基部肉色。棲息地在湖邊、沼澤、河岸及附近的草地和農田。 The Little Curlew (Numenius minutus) is a wader in the large bird family Scolopacidae. It is a very small curlew, which breeds in the far north of Siberia. It’s a transit birds, in Taiwan. 本影片為版權所有,歡迎連結網址分享,但請勿 意...
大鵬灣鳳頭燕鷗船尾爭食/Greater Crested Tern Foraging
Переглядів 1421 годину тому
14.05.09-大鵬灣鳳頭燕鷗爭食/Greater Crested Tern Foraging-bfpmv-2990 鳳頭燕鷗學名:Thalasseus bergii,英文名: Greater Crested Tern,又名大鳳頭燕鷗,屬鷗科鳥類,身長約43-53公分,是具羽冠的燕鷗。捕食魚類為生。遍及亞洲非洲澳洲,本島分布於沿海地帶。 夏季7、8月的河口沙洲、潮間帶或礁岩上,隨時可見到鳳頭燕鷗蹤跡。 The greater crested tern (Thalasseus bergii), also called crested tern or swift tern, is a tern in the family Laridae. 本影片為版權所有,歡迎連結網址分享,但請勿 意下載編輯使用! This video is copyrighted and welcome your...
大雪山的酒紅朱雀/Taiwan Rosefinch
Переглядів 75День тому
14.07.18-大雪山的酒紅朱雀/Taiwan Rosefinch-bfpmv-2989 酒紅朱雀學名:Carpodacus formosanus,英文名: Taiwan Rosefinch,別名 :朱雀、台灣朱雀,為台灣特有種鳥類,普遍的留鳥,身長約15公分,僅分布於高山地區,單獨或結小群活動,常近地面,以植物種籽為主食。 The Taiwan rosefinch (Carpodacus formosanus) is a species of finch in the family Fringillidae. It is endemic to Taiwan. Its natural habitats are temperate forests and subtropical or tropical dry forests. 本影片為版權所有,歡迎連結網址分享,但請勿 意下載編輯...
澄清湖傳習齋的五色鳥育雛餵食/Taiwan Barbet Feeding Baby
Переглядів 102День тому
24.07.01-澄清湖傳習齋的五色鳥育雛餵食/Taiwan Barbet Feeding Baby-bfpmv-2988 五色鳥學名:Megalaima oorti nuchalis,英文名:Taiwan Barbet ,別名:台灣擬啄木、黑眉擬啄木鳥,屬鬚鴷科,台灣特有種鳥類,很普遍的留鳥,身上共有綠、紅、黃、藍、黑等五種顏色得名,身長約20~22公分,五色鳥的繁殖育雛期由三月開始,至八月下旬結束,自孵蛋、育養幼雛到幼鳥離巢至少需一個月的時間,五色鳥喜歡住在乾燥而通風的地方,牠們和啄木鳥一樣,會在枯木或枯枝上打洞築巢,因為枯木含水量較低,較不易滋生寄生蟲。 The Taiwan Barbet is a bird endemic to the island of Taiwan. It is 20-22cm long. The Chinese name for the bird, "...
鏽鵐雄鳥/Chestnut Bunting Male
Переглядів 1392 місяці тому
24.04.30-鏽鵐雄鳥/Chestnut Bunting Male-bfpmv-2987 紀錄於高雄舊高字塔 銹鵐學名: Emberiza rutila,英文名: Chestnut Bunting,屬鵐科,身長約 14-15cm,台灣稀有的過境鳥,繁殖於中國東北,冬季遷徙至華南,覓食場所都在地面、草地、灌叢,主要食物為種子、草仔子等等。 It breeds in Siberia, northern Mongolia and north-eastern China. It is a long-distance migrant, wintering in southern China, South-east Asia and north-east India. 本影片為版權所有,歡迎連結網址分享,但請勿 意下載編輯使用! This video is copyrighted and ...
五色鳥育雛餵寶寶/Taiwan Barbet Feeding Babies
Переглядів 1233 місяці тому
24.04.10-五色鳥育雛餵寶寶/Taiwan Barbet Feeding Babies-bfpmv-2986 紀錄於澄清湖 五色鳥學名:Megalaima oorti nuchalis,英文名:Taiwan Barbet ,別名:台灣擬啄木、黑眉擬啄木鳥,屬鬚鴷科,台灣特有種鳥類,很普遍的留鳥,身上共有綠、紅、黃、藍、黑等五種顏色得名,身長約20~22公分,五色鳥的繁殖育雛期由三月開始,至八月下旬結束,自孵蛋、育養幼雛到幼鳥離巢至少需一個月的時間,五色鳥喜歡住在乾燥而通風的地方,牠們和啄木鳥一樣,會在枯木或枯枝上打洞築巢,因為枯木含水量較低,較不易滋生寄生蟲。 The Taiwan Barbet is a bird endemic to the island of Taiwan. It is 20-22cm long. The Chinese name for the bird...
五色鳥挖洞築巢/Taiwan Barbet Nesting
Переглядів 863 місяці тому
24.03.30-五色鳥挖洞築巢/Taiwan Barbet Nesting-bfpmv-2985 紀錄於澄清湖 五色鳥學名:Megalaima oorti nuchalis,英文名:Taiwan Barbet Nesting,別名:台灣擬啄木、黑眉擬啄木鳥,屬鬚鴷科,台灣特有種鳥類,很普遍的留鳥,身上共有綠、紅、黃、藍、黑等五種顏色得名,身長約20~22公分,五色鳥的繁殖育雛期由三月開始,至八月下旬結束,自孵蛋、育養幼雛到幼鳥離巢至少需一個月的時間,五色鳥喜歡住在乾燥而通風的地方,牠們和啄木鳥一樣,會在枯木或枯枝上打洞築巢,因為枯木含水量較低,較不易滋生寄生蟲。 The Taiwan Barbet is a bird endemic to the island of Taiwan. It is 20-22cm long. The Chinese name for the bird,...
跳鴴/Grey-headed Lapwing
Переглядів 1123 місяці тому
15.07.08-跳鴴/Grey-headed Lapwing-bfpmv-2984 紀錄於東港 跳鴴學名: Vanellus cinereus,英文名: Grey-headed Lapwing,別名:鳳頭麥雞,屬鴴科,身長約 35公分,喜活動於近水的開闊地帶,以蚯蚓、昆蟲、螺類等為食。分佈於歐亞大陸及非洲北部,中南半島,太平洋諸島嶼。中國繁殖於東北地區以及江蘇、福建一帶,越冬於廣東和雲南等地,在台灣停留覓食,屬稀有過境鳥。 The Grey-headed Lapwing (Vanellus cinereus) is a lapwing species which breeds in northeast China and Japan. 本影片為版權所有,歡迎連結網址分享,但請勿 意下載編輯使用! This video is copyrighted and welcome your...
鵲鴝育雛/Oriental Magpie-Robin Breeding
Переглядів 1313 місяці тому
15.07.02-鵲鴝育雛/-bfpmv-2983 紀錄於右昌公園 鵲鴝學名:Copsychus saularis,英文名:Oriental Magpie-Robin,屬鶲科,身長約19-21公分,在台灣屬外來引進種,金門普遍的留鳥。 The Oriental magpie-robin (Copsychus saularis) is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae. 本影片為版權所有,請勿 意下載編輯使用,歡迎連結網址分享! This video is copyrighted and welcome your sharing, but please do not use it for any reproduction.
黑枕藍鶲巢外餵食寶寶/Black-naped Monarch Feeding Baby
Переглядів 1023 місяці тому
黑枕藍鶲巢外餵食寶寶/Black-naped Monarch Feeding Baby
卷羽鵜鶘/Dalmatian Pelican
Переглядів 533 місяці тому
卷羽鵜鶘/Dalmatian Pelican
黑面琵鷺濕地覓食/Black-faced spoonbill Foraging
Переглядів 853 місяці тому
黑面琵鷺濕地覓食/Black-faced spoonbill Foraging
美濃花田的褐頭鷦鶯/Plain Prinia
Переглядів 663 місяці тому
美濃花田的褐頭鷦鶯/Plain Prinia
黃頭扇尾鶯花田裡忙築巢/Golden-headed Cisticola Busy Nesting
Переглядів 963 місяці тому
黃頭扇尾鶯花田裡忙築巢/Golden-headed Cisticola Busy Nesting
黃頭扇尾鶯/Golden-headed Cisticola
Переглядів 1103 місяці тому
黃頭扇尾鶯/Golden-headed Cisticola
黃山雀公鳥鳴叫聲/Taiwan Yellow Tit Calling
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黃山雀公鳥鳴叫聲/Taiwan Yellow Tit Calling
黑冠麻鷺的求偶叫聲/Malayan Night-Heron Mating Call
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黑冠麻鷺的求偶叫聲/Malayan Night-Heron Mating Call
荷花與翠鳥/Common Kingfisher
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荷花與翠鳥/Common Kingfisher
麻雀洗沙浴/Sparrow taking a sand bath
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麻雀洗沙浴/Sparrow taking a sand bath
灰背鷗幼鳥/Slaty-backed Gull Jevenile
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灰背鷗幼鳥/Slaty-backed Gull Jevenile
林園汕尾港的黑尾鷗/Black-tailed Gull
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林園汕尾港的黑尾鷗/Black-tailed Gull
紅尾伯勞幼鳥/Brown Shrike Jevenile
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紅尾伯勞幼鳥/Brown Shrike Jevenile
木棉花上吸蜜的灰頭椋鳥/Chestnut-tailed Starling
Переглядів 1134 місяці тому
木棉花上吸蜜的灰頭椋鳥/Chestnut-tailed Starling
木棉花上吸蜜的黃鸝/Black-naped Oriole
Переглядів 1194 місяці тому
木棉花上吸蜜的黃鸝/Black-naped Oriole


  • @jarmilakacirkova
    @jarmilakacirkova 20 годин тому


  • @Fortheloveofbirds2020
    @Fortheloveofbirds2020 День тому

    Wow! Amazing to see how babies grew during the video and we could see them ❤

  • @manumerino
    @manumerino День тому

    I love your new video❤❤👍👍 Greetings my friend

  • @jac3423
    @jac3423 2 дні тому

    Belles images ! Merci beaucoup pour ce partage

  • @timmienorrie
    @timmienorrie 2 дні тому


  • @arcticwarbler9299
    @arcticwarbler9299 2 дні тому

    And now mom is feeding the little ones. Thanks for continuing the series on this Light-vented Bulbul family dear bfpeng. It's so wonderful to watch.🤗💚

  • @artpabin
    @artpabin 2 дні тому

    Amazing Bird life😮❤! I enjoyed your vlog immensely. It is a pleasure to watch your work. Thank you so much for sharing. I wish you your continuing success.

  • @mr.cookie_5
    @mr.cookie_5 2 дні тому

    Amazing video✨

  • @timmienorrie
    @timmienorrie 3 дні тому

    Special. 👍

  • @arcticwarbler9299
    @arcticwarbler9299 3 дні тому

    How nice to follow up the bulbul nest building with the incubation. Thanks for sharing bfpeng.🤗💚

  • @StoilDIvanov
    @StoilDIvanov 3 дні тому

    Perfect video of this beautiful family!

  • @timmienorrie
    @timmienorrie 4 дні тому

    Fascinating. 👍

  • @arcticwarbler9299
    @arcticwarbler9299 4 дні тому

    Feathering the nest! Beautiful shots and song too. Thanks for sharing dear bfpeng.

  • @jac3423
    @jac3423 4 дні тому

    Belle capture ! Merci beaucoup pour ce beau partage

  • @jarmilakacirkova
    @jarmilakacirkova 4 дні тому

    A joy to watch! Thank you! Best wishes! Jarmila

  • @worldtravel5044
    @worldtravel5044 4 дні тому

    Very nice, thanks for the video.

  • @mkvh5511
    @mkvh5511 5 днів тому

    Beautiful bird ! Very nice capture 👍

  • @NaturesFairy
    @NaturesFairy 5 днів тому

    Wow that’s wonderful see an Eagle nest. Gorgeous bird.

  • @arcticwarbler9299
    @arcticwarbler9299 5 днів тому

    What an interesting baby to observe! Thank you so much pfpeng.🤗💚

  • @NatureBeautyMesmerizing
    @NatureBeautyMesmerizing 6 днів тому

    Amazing eagle. Great close up. Big Like. Excellent video and presentation Friend. Many thanks for sharing. Have a Fabulous day!

  • @NatureBeautyMesmerizing
    @NatureBeautyMesmerizing 6 днів тому

    Lovely birds. Outstanding video Friend. Big Like. Thank you for sharing this amazing video.

  • @NatureBeautyMesmerizing
    @NatureBeautyMesmerizing 6 днів тому

    Gorgeous bird nest. So adorable chick. Great photos and observation. Big Like. Fantastic video and presentation Friend. Thank you for sharing this wonderful video.

  • @NatureBeautyMesmerizing
    @NatureBeautyMesmerizing 6 днів тому

    Wonderful birds and sea. Nice video Friend. Thank you.

  • @NatureBeautyMesmerizing
    @NatureBeautyMesmerizing 6 днів тому

    So cute birds. Beautiful video Friend. Thank you for sharing.

  • @artpabin
    @artpabin 6 днів тому

    Beautiful Eagle Sound my friend😮❤. I enjoyed watching your video. I wish you continued success and thank you for sharing your work.

  • @arcticwarbler9299
    @arcticwarbler9299 6 днів тому

    What a handsome sharp-eyed fellow! Thanks for sharing bfpeng.🤗💚

  • @HikeToWildlife
    @HikeToWildlife 6 днів тому

    Lovely birds with some distinctive plumage marks 👍

  • @artkim-music
    @artkim-music 6 днів тому

    Very peaceful video and sounds! Wishing you a wonderful day filled with happiness.👍👍👍

  • @jarmilakacirkova
    @jarmilakacirkova 6 днів тому

    A very interesting bird species, thank you. similar bird species Jarmila

  • @quote_nature
    @quote_nature 7 днів тому

    Wonderful close look at this beautiful bird. Lovely colors and markings! Best regards

  • @NaturesFairy
    @NaturesFairy 7 днів тому

    HAs such a long beak! Great capture and they are finding lots of food!! Wonderful

  • @dragon-acrocantho
    @dragon-acrocantho 7 днів тому

    Thanks for sharing this sweet time 👍🏻 😊

  • @manumerino
    @manumerino 7 днів тому

    Beautiful birds, 👍👍 Thanks for sharing Greetings

  • @manumerino
    @manumerino 7 днів тому

    Beautiful 👍👍 Greetings

    @ARENA99HOBBY 7 днів тому

    Wow, this is quite clear, the bird is zoomed in, the cell phone is an interesting view

  • @TinedeJong
    @TinedeJong 7 днів тому

    The numbers dwindle considerably here in the Netherlands , and it's nice that they are there with you. That's a good sign. Very sweet then is the little curlew you filmed. Many greetings from your YT friend, Tine

  • @naturecolom3587
    @naturecolom3587 8 днів тому

    Buenas tomas

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @mkvh5511
    @mkvh5511 8 днів тому

    Nice capture 😊 beautiful bird! Thanks for 😊

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @arcticwarbler9299
    @arcticwarbler9299 9 днів тому

    That's quite a sight to watch these Terns hitting the water in their search for fish. Thanks for sharing bfpeng.🤗💚🦈

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @quote_nature
    @quote_nature 9 днів тому

    Beautiful birds, the male is stunning. Thank you for the great views. Best regards

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @worldtravel5044
    @worldtravel5044 9 днів тому

    Very nice, thanks for the video.

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @Birdfun
    @Birdfun 10 днів тому


    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @user-ci8ei4or1i
    @user-ci8ei4or1i 10 днів тому


    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому


  • @NaturesFairy
    @NaturesFairy 11 днів тому

    A pretty bird. Have a good day.

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @capturingnaturewithsandip
    @capturingnaturewithsandip 11 днів тому

    So lovely video and amazing capture

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @ValkoBranislav
    @ValkoBranislav 11 днів тому

    To je krásny vták. Veľmi pekné video...

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @StoilDIvanov
    @StoilDIvanov 11 днів тому

    Great presentation of this species

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @worldtravel5044
    @worldtravel5044 11 днів тому

    Beautiful views, thanks for the video.

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @jac3423
    @jac3423 13 днів тому

    Belles captures ! Merci

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.

  • @NaturesFairy
    @NaturesFairy 13 днів тому

    Awww new life. Momma is Very busy. You got great footage.

    • @bfpengcwp
      @bfpengcwp 7 днів тому

      Yes, Mamma always busy for their babies, Thanks for your watching, and thanks your nice comment, Best Regards.